Patience in Suffering

28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.

29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:

31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40: 28-31

Patience is not something I am good at. Given my tears when I am stuck in one position for hours when I can’t move myself and I am too stubborn to ask someone to turn me or move a limb, I realize I have a long way to go in that department.

I am faint and weary, weary of this body that no longer works. But I look forward with hope to the One who never is faint or weak or weary. And I look forward to one day having a new body that has strength to be able to walk and talk.

On a lighter note, .(I started this at the end of September and have no idea what I was going to write about that day but I will carry on ) we’ve done some experiments with blending food so that I can have something better than corn syrup loaded formula.. It seems that no matter how thin the blend, I have a problem with an exploding section of stomach tube. I have a sneaking suspicion that not all the parts are actually g tube parts. (Thanks to the lovely Canadian medical system ). From a distance I can laugh when I am not plastered with my dinner. I do get an overnight feeding of all my calories per dietitian but I seem to be burning through those calories and by lunchtime I am hungry and by dinnertime I am really hungry and by bedtime I am nauseous if I don’t get something. Having no desire to just have more of my nighttime feeding, I have encouraged the experiments. After the third time when only one time actually worked, I am not sure about encouraging my family to try any more and we are ready to call the dietitian.

Last weekend I had a lovely visit with two of my roommates from my boarding school days. These women were like family members maybe closer to me than my own family. We spent twenty four hours a day with each other and lived together through the loss of dear grandparents when our own parents weren’t there to comfort us. I hadn’t seen one of them since graduation day thirty six years ago, and the other friend since I went to Australia when I was in nursing school in1994 (you can do that math by yourself.) But when we got together again, the years rolled away and we picked up from where we left off so many years ago. Despite taking time to reminisce they were both a huge help around the house and in taking care of me. I wish I could keep them both!

It is a bit surprising to me that I can’t remember names of college friends or nursing school friends but I have vivid memories of boarding school and the friends I met there. Many happy memories. Brings to mind a song we used to sing that went “Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold”. I have silver and gold friends all over the world and I look forward to seeing many of them in heaven when we mount up with wings as eagles and can run and not be weary.

2 responses to “Patience in Suffering”

  1. Karen, you and Bill are so much alike. Isaiah 40:31 was one of his favorite verses. He ordered a print online that had an eagle soaring over a beautiful mountain landscape. I printed this scripture and put it inside the boarder. He saw this picture when he opened his eyes each morning. We don’t have to live in our own strength. He gives us His strength. He gives you manna you need for the day.
    Bill used to lay in bed at night in pain too but didn’t want to wake me up. You are like that as you don’t want to be a burden. I used to feel bad that he didn’t wake me. It shows your heart by putting others before your own needs.
    I loved reading about your dear friends from boarding school. They sound like true friends. They are a gift.
    The food story is familiar too. We heard so many nightmare stories about puréed food not working by getting stuck. We tried it for awhile and gave up. Bill refused the night feedings and just ate from 8am-8pm so he wouldn’t get all that sugar through out the night. He also liked giving he digestive system a break. Who eats 24/7?!
    Wish that we lived closer so I could come by to visit with you. Until we meet in heaven one day, your blogs will have to suffice. Keep writing and sharing your heart and faith with us. Your words are real and encouraging. I’m am praying for you, dear sister.


    1. Isaiah 40:31 was one of my Mum’s favourites 😊

      Like you, I find myself linked more closely with my high school boarding school buddies more than college friends. I think it’s because we were each others family during our most formative years.

      It was such a privilege to spend time with you and your beautiful family. I look forward to that reunion day when there is no more pain and suffering and we are restored in God’s presence!


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